The dry (Finnish) sauna is entirely built out of wood and heated electrically with the aid of volcanic rocks. The sauna has a capacity of 7-8 people and its ambient temperature stands around 90℃. Its humidity is low, but can be increased by means of the water in the little bucket inside.
A sauna session can be an excellent experience, provided that a few essential recommendations, which are found at the sauna entrance, are taken into account.
For your own good, it is forbidden to enter the sauna wearing jewels or other accessories. People who have consumed alcohol are not permitted to undergo this kind of therapy.
It is mandatory to use your towel when sitting inside the sauna.
Children under 16 are not allowed into the sauna.
⦁ activates blood circulation
⦁ stimulates and strengthens the immunity
⦁ soothes bone and joint pains
⦁ maintains cardiac health and improves the quality of sleep
⦁ reduces stress, provides relaxation and a general state of well-being.
Dry sauna is not recommended for people suffering from heart problems, cancer or fever symptoms.